Qigong Teacher Peter Caughey about this course
This Qigong course will teach you how to connect with Heaven Qi and the energy outside of your body. It will connect you to the energy from Earth Qi and help you to create an ever-increasing life force for yourself.
Some people have referred to the Toe Raising Pattern as a moving meditation exercise but I believe it is much more than that. I have personally had some pretty wild and surreal experience while doing this pattern.
This Qigong pattern is unique and is made up of 7 different parts but is performed in one continuous sequence without stopping or pausing. It can take from 45 minutes to over an hour to complete.
This set is for the brave and disciplined Qigong practitioner or for a person who is new to Qigong that wants to experience the unknown and have an experience that is beyond the understanding of their rational minds.
These exercises also create a balance of Yin Yang in the body and in the meridians and the 8 extraordinary energy vessels that store our life force.
These exercises create perseverance, vitality, stamina, discipline, determination and calmness that quiet the mind.
What Are The Benefits of
The Dao Yin Qigong System?
- A calmer peaceful mind, clearer focus and perception
- A deeper sense of your own courage, perseverance and discipline
- A sense of being connected to something bigger than yourself
- It helps your energy be clear and quiet, which helps to tranquillise the mind
- It strengthens the four extremities
- It invigorates the Yin Qiao vessel and the Yang Qiao vessel
- It invigorates vitality and makes the blood and vital energy function more effectively, so as to eliminate disease and promote longevity
- It regulates the heart, the breath and the physical body
What You Will Learn From This Course?
- Learn how to live with a stronger connection to your own Heart
- Deepen your connection with your own intuition and wisdom
- Develop sensitivity to the movement of Qi (energy) in yourself and others
- Gain a deeper understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong
- Learn the Dao Yin Qigong The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern medical applications and theory
- Learn how to strengthen the tendons and muscles
- Improve the suppleness of your spine
- Repair damage caused by excessive emotions and worry
- Increase blood and energy (Qi) circulation
- Learn how to stimulate the central nervous system
- Strengthen your bones and the immune system
- Introduction into what is Qigong and the history of Qigong
- Qigong practice guidelines
- Safety precautions for practicing Qigong
- Qigong stances and preparation techniques
- Dao Yin Qigong Opening and Closing form
- Dao Yin Qigong Opening and Closing of the Three Dantians forms
- The Dao Yin Qigong The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern
- Dao Yin Qigong Opening and Closing of the two Dantians forms
- Kneading the abdomen form
- Printable PDF manual
- Life time access to the Dao Yin Qigong The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern Online Course, which includes all the recorded live full practice videos and the recorded live Q&As.
- Recordings of the Inner Smile, Red Chair and Bone Washing Meditations
- A certificate of completion of the course.
- Access to the Telegram private Forest Rock Qigong group. In this private group you can ask any questions you have from the Course and the practices.
- A one-on-one assessment with one of the Forest Rock Senior Instructors, where you will get your exercises checked and receive feedback and coaching if required. This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course.
Course Curriculum in Detail
- Lesson 1. Course Overview - Live Introduction for Group 1
- Course Manual
- Lesson 2. What is Qigong and Qigong History (5:39)
- Lesson 3. Safety Precautions for Practicing Qigong (1:34)
- Lesson 4. Qigong Practice Guidelines (4:47)
- Morning Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 5. Forest Rock Monastery School 1. The Bow (0:57)
- Lesson 6. Dao Yin Opening and Closing Exercises 1. The Relaxed & Quiescent Standing Form (2:00)
- Lesson 7. Dao Yin Opening and Closing Exercises 2. The Deep Exhaling & Inhaling Form (0:57)
- Lesson 8. Dao Yin Opening and Closing Exercises 3. The Opening & Closing of the Lower Dantian Form (0:42)
- Lesson 9. Live Q&A for Lessons 2-8. (38:30)
- Lunch Time
- Lesson 10. Meridian Theory (Part One) 12 Primary Meridians (75:16)
- Afternoon Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 11. The Opening and Closing of the Three Dantians (18:19)
- Lesson 12. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (15:00)
- Lesson 13. The Opening and Closing of the Two Dantians (11:01)
- Lesson 14. Abdomen Kneading Form (7:52)
- Lesson 15. Opening & Closing-Exhaling & Inhaling-Quiescent standing and the Bow in reverse order (4:13)
- Afternoon Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 16. Course Overview - Live Introduction for Group 2
- Lesson 17. Live Q&A for Lesson 10-15. (107:41)
- Lesson 18. Full practice 1. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (57:53)
- Morning Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 19. Live Q&A Full practice 1. (46:56)
- Lesson 20. Meridian Theory (Part Two) Eight Extraordinary Vessels (33:45)
- Lunch Time
- Lesson 21. Medical Applications and Functions 1. The Relaxed Quiescent form & The Opening and Closing Exercises (5:19)
- Lesson 22. Medical Applications and Functions 2. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern
- Afternoon Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 23. Full practice 2. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (47:33)
- Afternoon break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 24. Dao Yin Insomnia Qigong (2:54)
- Afternoon break/comfort stop
- Lesson 25. Live Q&A Full practice 2. Medical Applications and Insomnia Qigong (55:14)
- Lesson 26. 1. Red Chair Meditation Mp3
- Lesson 27. Full practice 3. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (59:30)
- Morning Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 28. Live Q&A Full practice 3. (57:42)
- Lesson 29. Yin Yang Theory (37:21)
- Lunch Time
- Lesson 30. 24-hour Yin Yang body clock (39:39)
- Lesson 31. Forest Rock Monastery School philosophy (The first class) (33:33)
- Afternoon Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 32. Full practice 4. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (63:17)
- Afternoon break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 33. Live Q&A on lessons 29-32. (50:08)
- Lesson 34. Meditation Practice. 2. Inner Smile Meditation
- Lesson 35. Full practice 5. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (91:43)
- Morning Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 36. Live Q&A Full practice 5. (64:58)
- Lesson 37. Five Elements Theory (38:10)
- Lunch Time
- Lesson 38. The Emotions associated to each of the 12 meridians (8:35)
- Lesson 39. TCM's view on Food and Nutrition (30:30)
- Afternoon Break/Comfort stop
- Lesson 40. Full practice 6. The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern (99:31)
- Lesson 41. Evaluation Form for the Live Online The Toe Raised Transport and Conversion Pattern Course
- Lesson 42. Meditation Practice. 3. Bone Washing Meditation
- Break/comfort stop
- Lesson 43. Live Q&A on Lessons 37-40. (101:48)
- Lesson 44. Live Final questions - Farewell - Reflection circle for all
If you have questions during the course, you can post them in the private Telegram group or send us an email and we will answer them in the next live Q&A. If you have any questions before signing up, please send an email to info@forestrock.com.
Peter Caughey
Taiji & Qigong Teacher, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncturist.
"My mission is to help people discover the true essence of who they are and to live their life with abundant freedom."
I love helping people break free from their stories that I believe make them unhappy, discontent and unwell. I’ve helped people from all around the world to break free from these stories and I’ve discovered that most of us have similar patterns and beliefs that are limiting us from living our full potential as a human being.
During my combined 30 years of teaching Taiji (Tai chi) and Qigong and treating people in my acupuncture clinic, I have learnt about how to create a higher quality of health for people and how to break their limiting belief stories.
I have dedicated my life to helping people to have a higher level of health and I encourage them to see the world in a different way. A way that inspires them to enquire into the possibilities of how they can have a more fulfilling and happier life with a flow on effect that benefits and helps others.