We have created this post course follow-up option to support our teacher trainees to prepare for their teaching journey and to complete the certification requirement of the teaching demonstration video.

This offer consists of supervised student teaching practices where each class is taught by a teacher trainee and attended by anyone from the Forest Rock Qigong School. 

When you take this option to lead, you will have the opportunity to teach a class online in a supportive environment and receive feedback both from one of our senior teachers and from the group as well.

This teaching class can be logged towards your 15-hour teaching practice.

If you join the class as a student, you will have the chance to practice more with your fellow students and deepen your own practice.


  • Give students the experience of teaching a class online
  • Help to prepare the teacher trainee for the teaching video submission
  • Increase the likelihood that your teaching video submission is successful
  • Supervised teaching practice
  • Opportunity to fulfil teaching hours to use towards the 15hr teaching log
  • Chance for continuous group practices
  • Get one-on-one feedback on the teaching
  • Increase confidence when teaching
  • You will get the recording of your teaching

How It Works

Class is 90 minutes in total

  • Class on Zoom using the link given by a FR teacher
  • 15 mins warm up
  • 40 mins teaching Qigong exercises
  • 5 mins cool down
  • 30 mins feedback from a senior FR teacher and the group

This program will run over an 8 weeks period on Saturdays and Sundays (the exact time for classes will be confirmed two days prior to the class).

One weekend with Emi, one weekend with Mark. There are 16 class time slots available starting on 14 May 2022. 

All communications will be held through the Telegram group.

This is an Optional Extra to the 200hr QTT and is not a requisite to receive the certification. You can use this opportunity as a lead teacher or as a student to practice together.

However, if you intend to teach Qigong, we encourage you to use this opportunity to fine tune your teaching and to get valuable feedback from a senior teacher and your fellow students.

Either you want to lead the class or just come along and practice with the group, there is a cost of 5 USD per class and you will be billed on a weekly basis (10 USD/week). This covers the cost of your teachers to attend each class.

If you would like to take a slot in a specific date to teach, please let us know on the sign up form below.

Post Training Classes

Please fill out the form to join